Wednesday 11 December 2013


Howdy folks!

I was passing time on YouTube and I came across the TMI tag so I've decided to answer the questions in blog format, because it seems quick and fun :)

1. How tall are you? 5ft 6"
2. How much do you weigh? 10st
3. Any tattoos? Nope, but I'm thinking about it
4. Any piercings? I have two in each of my ear lobes, and I'm going to get my cartilage done soon!
5. How long does it take you to shower? 10 minutes tops and that's if I'm shaving my legs or using a body scrub, other than that under 5 minutes (bet you wish I was your sibling!)
6. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Not a proper serious one with ambulances, but a couple of weird drunken scraps have occured
7. The reason you became a blogger? Because I had an urge one day and decided to follow it
8. Fears? Three big ones: confrontation, death and rejection
9. Last time you cried? When I first saw my puppy two days ago
10. Meaning behind your blog name? My family used to call me rosebud (and still do sometimes) and I was born in 1996
11. Last person you spoke to? My friend Charlotte about how scared we are we're going to get a bollocking tomorrow morning in college
12. Last song you sang? Wherever You Will Go, by The Calling, I did a piano cover yesterday for giggles
13. Favourite pick up line? 'I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?', because I love my teddy bears so this one makes me chuckle, but I have never used a cheesy chat up line in my life unless joking with a best friend
14. What are you wearing? A Stitch onesie
15. Last time you hung out with anyone? This morning, a few of us were early for college so chilled together for a bit

Well I hope that was a fun/weird mini window into my world - hope it amused you if nothing else!

Much love

'Miracles do not, in fact, defy the laws of nature'

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