Tuesday 10 December 2013

The New Puppy!

Hi guys!

I've got some very very exciting news to share with ya'll... WE GOT A NEW PUPPY!  On Monday 9th December, my parents went to pick her up and oh my god she is literally the most gorgeous and cutest thing ever!  She is a black Labrador puppy, 9 weeks old and we have called her Boo (after the girl in Monster's Inc.) - cute right?

She's settled in with the humans very well (not gonna lie, I think she likes me the best, she ran to me for cuddles this morning), but she's still finding it hard to be accepted fully by the other two dogs and two cats.  She's actually sat right next to me on the sofa now, trying to chew my laptop and my iPhone wire, so I have to keep stopping to give her my hand or a toy to chew instead.  When  she first arrived, she was shaking, nervous and home sick, but within an hour she was running around and playing.  She is a typical puppy, playing for an hour then sleeping flat out for two hours, chewing everything in her sight and weeing everywhere (despite our best efforts to get her outside in time).  But I love her so much and she's the sweetest little baby ever, I still love all my other pets equally but at the moment, I've been left responsible for Boo when I'm home.

This has seriously lifted my mood and changed the family dynamic to a fantastically more positive one in just over 24 hours.  Here are some gorgeous photos of her...

Sorry about the not so great quality, but iPhones aren't known for their high quality cameras.  I hope you enjoyed awhing at her and can see why I'm so obsessed with her!

I'm sure they'll be some cute adventures with her to be shared with you in the future!

Much love,

'Happiness is a warm puppy.'

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