Wednesday 18 December 2013

17th Birthday Shenanigans!

Well hello there!

Some of you might have gathered that a week or so a go, I turned 17.  It was an amazing birthday and I couldn't really have asked for more.  I was woken by a four year old family friend who was staying the night whilst her mum had baby number 2, had a relaxing day at college, went for a massive chinese buffet with my friends (one of them has the same birthday so we did that together), then went to the pub, went home, had a small takeaway, opened my presents then watched I'm a Celeb.  The day was great, I couldn't have asked for better! The blonde one in the Christmas hat pulling faces was the other birthday girl.... don't judge us please...



I had lots of lovely little surprises!  A family friend who was my 'boyfriend' when I was about 2 sent me a birthday card, which made me really overly emotional and also that family friend having her baby had it on my birthday and my mum has been named her Godmother, so it is now a doubly special day!  I got lots of amazing birthday presents!  I got the DVD of Now You See Me, a set of 2 purple candles, a Christmas candle, a cocktail shaker, a cocktail recipe poster, A MARAUDERS MAP IN A FRAME (OHHMYGOD), the Babyliss Pro Curl, a Freeview box for the TV in my bedroom, a photo frame, a lot of cat based bits and bobs (from my Granny), lots of Soap and Glory stuff, a face mask, a minnie mouse mug and toy and a few other bits and bobs.  I couldn't believe how much I got and how amazing it all was and I feel so lucky I got so much from friends and family.

Then came Saturday, the day of the girly night in.  Me and Sophie (the friend with the same bithday) had a couple of girls over and we had some cocktails, watched some films, had some emotional chats and more importantly had drunken dances and singalongs in the middle of the road.  Sadly some of our other friends had work or open days so couldn't make it, but it was still a really fun chilled night.  I love having girly nights in because it is such a good chance to just chat, cry, laugh and all the while being silly and feeling fun because of the fact you're shaking cocktails like a pro (at least in our minds we were).  I don't know why, but I don't really have any photos (at least any ones that I don't have 12 chins or look like a tramp in, and the rest are videos, so I'll leave that night up to the imagination...)

Much love,

'Life should not be measured by how many breaths we take, but by how many moments take your breath away'

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