Monday 13 January 2014

On a Roll...

Hi there!

So as some as you may know, one of my New Years resolutions was to loose weight healthily (a very boring one that a lot of people have), but in doing it, I have learnt a really valuable lesson.

Basically, at the moment I have no choice but to exercise because we're doing intense stamina training in acting at college, so we're working out every day.  Thanks to this, I'm already in exercise gear when I get to college so I end up thinking 'I might as well go to the gym, I'm on a roll'.  It's the same with pretty much anything I do.  For example, if my room is a mess and all I'm doing is sorting my brushes and make-up, I'll think 'I'm on a roll, I might as well tidy the whole thing now'.  Though it's a good thing that I can find that 'on a roll' motivation, it is very hard getting there.  So I've got to the point now where I will get it done, but only once I've gotten started.  I think this is the same for most people, but I've been trying to find ways to get started in the first place.

Way one is if your forced to start like this exercise at college, but now I'm realising its not that bad, I wish I'd started earlier.

Way two is to set aside the time to start and even if you start a little bit late, once you're on a roll you should be able to keep going!

What I'm trying to say is, think of a goal and go for it.  Don't wait to find the motivation to do it, just do it and go full force and it'll slowly unfold in front of you.  Also, don't give up at the smallest hurdle.  Like one of my resolutions was to blog twice a week, but a production was on and it got a bit busy so I couldn't do it, so instead of saying 'Screw it, I've already failed, I may as well not bother for the rest of the year', I've said 'that wasn't very good Rosie, so you'll just have to set a mini goal to have a huge blogging fortnight!'.  With exercise, you might only go once in that week and think 'oh well, I'm not fat yet, I'll just leave it', you could rethink and see if the gym really is the best way for you to exercise.  If the answer is no, start walking or jogging outside and if the answer is yes, just force yourself to go back and you'll get back into the swing of it sooner or later.

Let me know how you're new years resolutions are going and if you've managed to get on a roll with it all...

Much love,

'Sometimes it takes a kick in the crotch for a man to recognise his own mortality'

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