Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tips on being ill...


I bet you read that title and thought 'Erm...are you ok Rosie? I don't want tips on how to be ill, I'd rather be healthy!' But don't fear, I haven't gone that crazy yet!

Basically, I've been really ill the last couple of days and it has been a bit poo if I'm being honest.  However, I thought I'd turn it into a positive.  I hardly get properly ill in terms of flu kind of things, so it really frustrates me when I do, especially this time as I had a performance, rehearsals, LAMDA lessons and college which I would have preferred to be at.  I battled through the performance but I had to eventually give in and listen to the doctors and rest for a couple of days.

So today was my first proper resting day off and by 9am, I was BORED.  I wanted to be at college, but I was definitely not up for it, so I had to find ways to fill the time and so I've compiled a little list of hints/tips for ill days off...

1. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when you can next take your doses of medication and pain relief, because it is sooo easy to forget, and you'll feel it if you forget!

2. Don't give up on yourself!  As tempting as it is to leave your skin and your hair and stay in your PJs all day, just doing a basic skin routine, popping a brush through your hair, putting on some deodorant and changing into a different set of pyjamas can instantly lift your mood and make you feel tons better about yourself.

3.  Use at least an hour as a pamper session.  With college and homework and rehearsals, it is very rare for me to have a pamper session during the week.  So today, I spent a good hour in the bath.  I popped in a So White Bath Ballistic from Lush (the Christmas range - it smells like Fresh apples and it turned the bath pink), used my Tresemme Deep Conditioning Hair Mask and used my Soap and Glory No Clogs Allowed Face Mask (which has really refreshing qualities that helped to clear my sinuses), had a shave using my Venus Spa and Breeze razor, Exfoliated using my Soap and Glory Flake Away, scrubbed my face using my Benefit Facial Polish and generally just had a really good and relaxing soak and wash.  I also lit a bug repellent candle in the bathroom which sounds weird, but I've got a bug at the moment, so my ill irrational logic told me that would work.  Anyway, I came out of the bath feeling really refreshed and happy I'd made time for myself (probably not because of the candle though).

4. Play some Sims!  Time goes by when you play Sims.  Today, I made a girl, turned her into a celeb, married her to a new celebrity, and got them to have triplets.  It really helped pass the time whilst the really bad daytime TV was at its prime.

5. Do some work, even if it is only a little bit.  I learnt some lines for my latest project and wrote a few blogs in advance, ready to post over the next week or so.

6. A bit of retail therapy is a great way to feel better.  I did a bit of Christmas shopping then me and my mum had a look for my Birthday/Christmas presents as both are coming up soon (yay!)

7. Find an old film that you either haven't seen in ages or that you love.  Even better, make it a film series.  Today, I watched Monsters Univeristy (which I saw a few months ago and LOVED sooo much) and then watched Monsters Inc (so even though I didn't watch in release order, I watched in chronological order, if that makes any sense).  They both gave me such a lift because they are genuinely so funny and they both make me cry.  I hadn't seen Monsters Inc in so long and I'd completely forgotten how it ended so it was really nice to see it again.  Tomorrow, I'm going for Wreck in Wralph!

8. Snack rather than eating big meals.  Have a little something every 3-4 hours, if your stomach is up to it.  Even if it is just half an apple or some dry bread, it's safer than having big meals and feeling really bad or being sick!  Also, it is important to always make sure there is something in your stomach when you are taking pain relief (especially Ibuprofen), otherwise it could hurt your stomach.

9. Have a cuppa! I can't tell you how many cups of tea I've gotten through in the past couple of days.  I hate drinking warm water, so if I don't want the milk, I'll have a herbal tea, but if I feel like I can manage it, normal tea with a splash of milk is still great.  Each different type of tea has different effects.  Peppermint tea is good for indigestion and problems with metabolism, Camomile is good for before nap time and Lemon Green Tea is really good for just a general detox.  Have whichever is your favourite and makes you feel good!

10. Catch up on your favourite YouTubers/Bloggers.  I've had fun watching videos/reading blogs that have come out in the past week as well as going right back to some of their first blogs/videos.  It literally passed two hours of my time!

So those are just a few tips for how to pass the time and how to feel better.  I've probably got a long day ahead of me tomorrow as well :( I hope these tips are useful to those of you who have been caught out by the nasty weather.

Much love,

'The best way to predict the future is to invent it'

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