Thursday 21 November 2013


Hi guys!

So as you all know, I got a Smashbox Primer a few weeks a go in that tiny bottle (remember the one I was reallly annoyed about?), and it has actually been making my skin quite oily on the days I've used it, but I've only just made the connection that it was the primer.  I was getting ready to go out and realised I couldn't be shiny and oily all day, so I went to my Benefit Porefessional Sample that I received in my new Benefit Facial Polish and it was the tiniest amount ever and I wandered how on earth it could possibly cover my whole face.

However, it did!  And I could literally feel my oil being absorbed.  My foundation application was seamless and it was just amazing.  I didn't use a powder all day, my skin looked amazing and it didn't even lean on the oily side once, just radiated and glowed.

So, naturally I had to pop into Boots on the way home and pick up a tube and it was the best purchase of the month.  I'm actually obsessed with it.  It can be a really sheer layer to help my make-up stay on during the day and as I'm at a drama college, we do a lot of practical work and it can get sweaty, but this primer stays on all through the warm ups and weird physical activities we do.  If you know that you're going on a night out, you can also put a little bit more on and you won't get that sweaty party 'glow'.

Basically, this was just a short post to tell you how much I love this little treasure and I'd strongly recommend buying it or putting it right to the top of your letter to Santa!

Much love,

'What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what is within us'

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