Sunday 24 November 2013

Winter Make-Up Look!

Good Evening!

Lately, I've been experimenting a bit with making a nice casual evening make-up look because I'm going out in the evening a lot, so I wanted a nice look that wasn't overkill, but that still had a few hints of Christmas in it.  This was the final look I came up with and a bit of a 'How-To'!  Hope you enjoy reading this!

Ok, so first off you need a bare face...

(Looking very tired there, Rosie...)

Next is all my complexion work...

I start off by applying the Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in 'Light 2' under my eyes and blending in with my finger.  Today, I had really bad dark circles because I've been being naughty and neglecting my skin routine and not sleeping well so this took a lot of work and it sadly ended up sat in the creases, but usually this works a treat I promise!  Second, I use my 'Foundation Dream Team', which you can read my full review of here.  I buff the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation on to my skin using a Sigma Kabuki F80 Brush.  I don't use a primer for this particular look because I don't wear this when I'm going to do sweaty college stuff or going out partying so it doesn't need it.  However, if I was to use one, it would of course by my Benefit Porefessional.  After that, I look like this...

Getting better... but as I said, sadly those circles just aren't budging.  Any of you guys got any tips on better concealers to try for serious emergency situations like this?

Next up is the powder section...

I start by applying a Bobbi Brown Sheer Finish Pressed Powder (this one is the old packaging, but same product) in 'Pale Yellow' which I *ahem* 'share' with my mum.  I use the Real Techniques Powder Brush to apply this all over the face, focusing mainly on my oily areas like the T-Zone.  Next, I use my Real Techniques Blush Brush to apply my Soap and Glory Solar Power Bronzing Powder.  This brush is, in my opinion, better for contouring than bronzer, especially if you want a more natural look rather than a really sharp, angled one.  I use this in the hollows of my cheeks to create the contoured effect, then dust lightly around my temples and on any areas where the sun would naturally hit.  I then use my powder brush to apply the Rimmel Mono Blush in Live Pink, because I think at this time of year, bright colours look really nice and cosy.  The powder brush applies the perfect amount to the apples of my cheeks.  This is the result...

(I hope you can see the difference of how my face looks warmer, without being orange)

Next, I do my eyes... 

I use the Seventeen Smokey Eye Trio, I can't remember or find out what the colour combo is called, sorry!  I'm sure you can see it is well loved!  I also don't know exactly what brand these brushes are as I got them for a Birthday, but I got them in a huge set so they're just generic brushes.  I use the shader brush to apply each colour in almost lines down my eye, with the lightest one starting in the corner, moving to the darkest one in the outer lid.  I then blend it together using the fluffy brush.  This is probably the best way to do a blended smoky eye, especially for a beginner.  Just do it in lines then blend it in.  This is the look in the stages...

The lighting is quite bad, but I hope you can see at least how harsh the darkest brown is and how messy the rough lines are.

This is what it looks like once blended in - a lot more natural and pretty.

The finished eye shadow look.

Now the finishing eye touches...

First, I curl my eyelashes, using the bog standard Boots Eyelash Curler, then apply my Maybelline the Falsies Mascara.  I then go back to my Seventeen Trio and use the shader brush to apply the dark brown colour under my eye and the lighter colour in the tear duct and under my eye in that kind of area.  I fill in my brows using my Benefit Brow Zing kit.  I then use my (really old and battered) MUA palette, the exact type and make has been scrubbed off, and use that king of light pink colour to highlight under my brows with my fluffy brush, then use to highlight my cheekbones with my finger.  It then looks like this...

Nearly there...

Finally, lip stick...

This is the Kate Moss Lipstick by Rimmel London in 101.  Apply that like you'd apply any other lipstick.  As you can see, I'm nearly out because this is so well loved.  A softer alternative would be my Revlon Lip Butter in 040, which I mentioned in my Boots Haul.  

This is the finished look!  If you go back to the first bare faced photo, you'll see the difference!  This is just a really nice look for this time of year because of the red lipstick, plus the nice shimmery gold tones of the eye shadow.  I think this is just perfect for any winter evening events, from a trip to the pub to walking around the festive Christmas markets.


Hope you enjoyed this guys!  Let me know what you think or any of your ideas for the perfect winter make-up look!  I'll put up a party look soon :)

Much love,

'Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of travelling'

Thursday 21 November 2013


Hi guys!

So as you all know, I got a Smashbox Primer a few weeks a go in that tiny bottle (remember the one I was reallly annoyed about?), and it has actually been making my skin quite oily on the days I've used it, but I've only just made the connection that it was the primer.  I was getting ready to go out and realised I couldn't be shiny and oily all day, so I went to my Benefit Porefessional Sample that I received in my new Benefit Facial Polish and it was the tiniest amount ever and I wandered how on earth it could possibly cover my whole face.

However, it did!  And I could literally feel my oil being absorbed.  My foundation application was seamless and it was just amazing.  I didn't use a powder all day, my skin looked amazing and it didn't even lean on the oily side once, just radiated and glowed.

So, naturally I had to pop into Boots on the way home and pick up a tube and it was the best purchase of the month.  I'm actually obsessed with it.  It can be a really sheer layer to help my make-up stay on during the day and as I'm at a drama college, we do a lot of practical work and it can get sweaty, but this primer stays on all through the warm ups and weird physical activities we do.  If you know that you're going on a night out, you can also put a little bit more on and you won't get that sweaty party 'glow'.

Basically, this was just a short post to tell you how much I love this little treasure and I'd strongly recommend buying it or putting it right to the top of your letter to Santa!

Much love,

'What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what is within us'

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tips on being ill...


I bet you read that title and thought 'Erm...are you ok Rosie? I don't want tips on how to be ill, I'd rather be healthy!' But don't fear, I haven't gone that crazy yet!

Basically, I've been really ill the last couple of days and it has been a bit poo if I'm being honest.  However, I thought I'd turn it into a positive.  I hardly get properly ill in terms of flu kind of things, so it really frustrates me when I do, especially this time as I had a performance, rehearsals, LAMDA lessons and college which I would have preferred to be at.  I battled through the performance but I had to eventually give in and listen to the doctors and rest for a couple of days.

So today was my first proper resting day off and by 9am, I was BORED.  I wanted to be at college, but I was definitely not up for it, so I had to find ways to fill the time and so I've compiled a little list of hints/tips for ill days off...

1. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you when you can next take your doses of medication and pain relief, because it is sooo easy to forget, and you'll feel it if you forget!

2. Don't give up on yourself!  As tempting as it is to leave your skin and your hair and stay in your PJs all day, just doing a basic skin routine, popping a brush through your hair, putting on some deodorant and changing into a different set of pyjamas can instantly lift your mood and make you feel tons better about yourself.

3.  Use at least an hour as a pamper session.  With college and homework and rehearsals, it is very rare for me to have a pamper session during the week.  So today, I spent a good hour in the bath.  I popped in a So White Bath Ballistic from Lush (the Christmas range - it smells like Fresh apples and it turned the bath pink), used my Tresemme Deep Conditioning Hair Mask and used my Soap and Glory No Clogs Allowed Face Mask (which has really refreshing qualities that helped to clear my sinuses), had a shave using my Venus Spa and Breeze razor, Exfoliated using my Soap and Glory Flake Away, scrubbed my face using my Benefit Facial Polish and generally just had a really good and relaxing soak and wash.  I also lit a bug repellent candle in the bathroom which sounds weird, but I've got a bug at the moment, so my ill irrational logic told me that would work.  Anyway, I came out of the bath feeling really refreshed and happy I'd made time for myself (probably not because of the candle though).

4. Play some Sims!  Time goes by when you play Sims.  Today, I made a girl, turned her into a celeb, married her to a new celebrity, and got them to have triplets.  It really helped pass the time whilst the really bad daytime TV was at its prime.

5. Do some work, even if it is only a little bit.  I learnt some lines for my latest project and wrote a few blogs in advance, ready to post over the next week or so.

6. A bit of retail therapy is a great way to feel better.  I did a bit of Christmas shopping then me and my mum had a look for my Birthday/Christmas presents as both are coming up soon (yay!)

7. Find an old film that you either haven't seen in ages or that you love.  Even better, make it a film series.  Today, I watched Monsters Univeristy (which I saw a few months ago and LOVED sooo much) and then watched Monsters Inc (so even though I didn't watch in release order, I watched in chronological order, if that makes any sense).  They both gave me such a lift because they are genuinely so funny and they both make me cry.  I hadn't seen Monsters Inc in so long and I'd completely forgotten how it ended so it was really nice to see it again.  Tomorrow, I'm going for Wreck in Wralph!

8. Snack rather than eating big meals.  Have a little something every 3-4 hours, if your stomach is up to it.  Even if it is just half an apple or some dry bread, it's safer than having big meals and feeling really bad or being sick!  Also, it is important to always make sure there is something in your stomach when you are taking pain relief (especially Ibuprofen), otherwise it could hurt your stomach.

9. Have a cuppa! I can't tell you how many cups of tea I've gotten through in the past couple of days.  I hate drinking warm water, so if I don't want the milk, I'll have a herbal tea, but if I feel like I can manage it, normal tea with a splash of milk is still great.  Each different type of tea has different effects.  Peppermint tea is good for indigestion and problems with metabolism, Camomile is good for before nap time and Lemon Green Tea is really good for just a general detox.  Have whichever is your favourite and makes you feel good!

10. Catch up on your favourite YouTubers/Bloggers.  I've had fun watching videos/reading blogs that have come out in the past week as well as going right back to some of their first blogs/videos.  It literally passed two hours of my time!

So those are just a few tips for how to pass the time and how to feel better.  I've probably got a long day ahead of me tomorrow as well :( I hope these tips are useful to those of you who have been caught out by the nasty weather.

Much love,

'The best way to predict the future is to invent it'

Sunday 17 November 2013

Boots Haul!

Hello my lovelies!

So a week or so ago I got a little bit carried away at Boots and... this happened.  I'm literally just going to rattle through what I brought and a few words about each of them and my first impressions of them.  Full reviews to follow of the products if I feel like they need reviewing.

First off... Hair Dye! A bit boring, but my hair needed a lift.  I had never tried this brand before but the concept of a hair mask intrigued me and whilst the application was smooth and the results were really good, the smell was almost unbearable.  The ammonia smell was soooo overwhelming, I could actually taste it.  I still can't decide if it was worth it or not, but for now I'm going to say not.

Next up is the Hydraluron Intense Moisture Serum - I'd head lots of amazing things about this serum from other bloggers like Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter and as the weather has been getting ridiculously dry and cold here in England, I decided that I'd give this a go in an attempt to give my skin the hydration boost it needs.  I've used this before my creams and moisturisers day and night for the past six days and I have already noticed a HUGE improvement in my skin.  It feels nice, soft and hydrated, and looks really clear.

Next is the La Roche-Posay Effeclar Duo cream.  This is a daily treatment for problem skin, which acts as a corrector for severe imperfections.  My skin isn't really that bad, but around the time of the month I pick up a few spots around my chin.  I also have a bit of redness around my nose and cheeks all the time.  This is literally the perfect product.  Tanya Burr raved about it on YouTube and as I was getting round to my spotty time, I decided to give it a go.  It is soooo amazing! Only £12.50 and it is so worth it for what good it does to your skin.  I use this just after the hydraluron on the problem areas day and night (I know my skin routine is starting to sound a bit confusing with orders and stuff, but I'll be doing a blog post on my skin routine in a couple of weeks so you can see everything a bit clearer).  I've recommended this to all my friends and I also now recommend it to you.  This is also described to be an excellent base for make-up.

Now this is a bit of a disappointment.. Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer Light.  The thing that really disappointed me is the size.  I actually ordered this one online and had it delivered to the store as Smashbox isn't in store in the Birmingham Boots.  It says 'travel size' but my god it is TINY.  It doesn't mention anywhere just how small it is and I'm really annoyed I paid £15 for this teeny thing.  Luckily, it spreads very well so you don't have to use a huge amount, so I'm hoping it lasts me at least until the end of this month, maybe even through December as I don't use primer every day, only if I feel I'm having a bad skin day.  My other option is to use the Effeclar Duo after my moisturiser to act as a base primer.  It can be easy to use too much of this though, and if you do it can make your skin oily (especially for me with combination skin).

Now for the eye cream!  This is the Una Brennan Super Facialist Vitamin C Eye Cream.  It's an eye cream which is specifically designed to brighten the under eye area and improve dark circles, which I massively suffer from! I've been using this day and night for about a week now and it has already make an amazing difference!  You don't have to use much as it spreads well and absorbs quickly.

I ran out of day cream, so I decided to pick another one up.  As I was at the Una Brennan counter anyway, I saw this Superfacialist Neroli Super Lift SPF15 Day Cream.  As much as I am aware that I don't need anti-ageing cream, I do find they it actually has more protective qualities and they also give me a lift when my skin looks and feels tired.  As far as moisturisers go, it's not incredible and it's not god awful, it does the job, keeps my skin happy, healthy and moisturised.  However, it smells quite bad.  It's got quite a strong herbal smell but I'm sort of getting used to it.  Of course I'll finish this up, but I don't think I'll repurchase this again - I might ask for an Origins moisturiser for Christmas or something.  Also, it's very easy to use too much and if you do, it can leave behind an oily residue.

This is now one of my favourite products ever!  I got this for the first time in this haul and I just love it! I've had my eye on it for a while and I love Benefit soooo much, all their make-up is fantastic, so I thought I'd give their skincare a try. It's the Benefit Refined Finish Facial Polish.  The packaging is to DIE for! It's so cute and looks all special.  I use this three times a week, twice in the morning and once on a pamper night.  It doesn't smell of anything, which is actually kind of nice because it seems everything else in my skincare collection smells so strongly.  The beads are so small and soft and it really feels like you are clearing your skin of dead skin cells.  Once you rinse your face, your skin just feels amazing.  And, like I said, it looks really nice and makes me feel like I'm using a product a lot more expensive than this because the packaging is so unique and the product works amazingly well.

The final product in terms of skin routine is the Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Lip Stick. This is the best lip cream ever.  At this time of year, my lips really suffer and get chapped so this is perfect.  I keep this at home to use as a treatment at the end of my skin routine, then I bring Maybelline's baby lips around in my handbag.  This makes your lips feel really great and I noticed an immediate difference once I started using it.

Now on to make-up.  This is the Soap and Glory Solar Powder Bronzo Powder.  This is GORGEOUS.  It shimmers really nicely and applies beautifully.  It doesn't look orange or muddy and gives a really natural glow without shining.  I use this for daily contouring and bronzing, but it also builds really well for a heavier going out look.  I absolutely love it and I don't think I could go without it, perfect for lovers of the natural look.

The final product is a Revlon Lip Butter in 040.  I've got three of these already in natural and pink shades for summer, and I loved the consistency of them and I saw a lot of people (Tanya Burr being one of them) saying they loved the 040 shade as it was a perfect crimson red colour.  I've worn this pretty much every day since I bought it and it is just amazing.  It lasts ages and looks gorgeous.  It also acts as a great lip balm/moisturiser for during the day, especially with chapped winter lips.

So that's it for my first haul!  I hope you guys enjoyed and maybe got some ideas or that this helped you in some way.

Lots of love,

'Challenge yourself with something you know you could never do, and what you'll find is that you can overcome anything'

Thursday 7 November 2013

Nars Sheer Glow Foundation/Sigma F80 Flat Kabuki Brush: Review

I’m so sorry that I’ve been very naughty and not done a blog in over a month!  But, I am back and ready to really put a lot of time and effort into my blog.  So, without further-a-do, I give you my first ever review (oooooh that rhymed!)

After hearing A LOT about how amazing the Nars Sheer Glow Foundation was, and after deciding I needed to get a paler winter foundation, I decided to jump on the band wagon and give it a go. I am very glad to be telling you that it does, without a doubt, live up to the hype!
I got the shade ‘Light 5’ on a little shopping trip down Oxford Street and I have been using it for about two weeks now and it is INCREDIBLE. 

Though I wouldn’t actually class it as ‘sheer’ coverage, it is more medium, it is very easy to layer how much you have on depending on what kind of skin day you are having.  The only thing I would say about the application is that because it doesn’t come with a pump (I know right, a bit odd), you either have to buy a pump or really tensely pour it out and hope you don’t end up with too much on your hand.  I’ve bought a pump now and I’d definitely recommend that you do if you decide to opt for this foundation.  It also spreads very easily so you could probably make it a sheerer coverage if you wanted to. 

It instantly makes a difference to the appearance of my skin, but still looks like skin (if that makes any sense?), because it isn’t cakey, it is just lovely and smooth and it gives a lovely, natural and radiant glow.  I have found with other ‘glow’ foundations that you can actually end up looking shiny or sweaty, which really isn’t an attractive look – but with Nars Sheer Glow on, everybody constantly tells me how radiant I look because it just has that little dewy factor that makes your skin look really light and pretty.

 Also, it feels really light on your face – if I just have this on with a spot of concealer and mascara, I genuinely forget I have anything on and when I look in the mirror I’m like ‘DAMN! I am having a REALLY good skin day!’, then I remember and it’s a little bit awkward. 

I apply this using a Sigma Kabuki Flat Top Brush, which I also brought recently on Amazon, and I LOVE it!  It works really well with this foundation - better so than it does with my drugstore L’Oreal foundation, I don’t know exactly why that would be, but it just does.  It buffs the foundation in to the skin really nicely and you’re guaranteed even coverage using this little beauty.   It does work well with other foundations, but for some reason, these two products together seem to be some kind of dream team!

I know my brush is in severe need of a clean, that's high on my to-do list, I promise!

So that is my first review done!  I really hope this makes some kind of sense to you and even though you’ve probably heard this from multiple bloggers and YouTubers, it is truly because it is as amazing as everyone says it is! 

If you’re a teenager and don’t want to fork out £30.50 for a foundation, Christmas is coming up so maybe do a lot of ‘subtle’ hinting at your parents ;)  This was actually a pretty big spend for me in terms of foundation, the only other high-end foundation I’ve had a go with was the Smashbox 15-Hour Wear which I wore in the summer, and I only brought that because it was on sale in Florida, so with the exchange rate PLUS the discount, it was literally 1/3 of the price I would have paid for it here! I bought this at John Lewis on Oxford Street, but most department stores (except Debenhams sadly) sell it, no guarantee they'll sell it in stores, but they always do online and you can get it delivered to your nearest store.

Anyways, I’m getting off topic.  So basically, if you want a gorgeous foundation that will look gorgeous on all skin types (I’ve got combination skin, but I have friends with dry skin who also love this), go for this one.  It will be very worth the money!  Like I said though, Christmas is coming up and this would be a fabulous little thing to get under the tree!

Hope you enjoyed my little foundation rant J

Lots of love,

‘One of the most courageous things you can do is to identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go’