Monday 30 September 2013

My Travels

Happy Monday :)

I've been having a really really down day today and at first I was hating myself for feeling so negative, but then realised that instead of moping and crying, I should try and think a bit more positively.  So, I started thinking through happy memories to try and make it better, and I found that nearly all my happy memories were on holidays throughout my life.  I then got my photo hard drive out and started flicking through all the photos and it really made me smile, so I've decided to share some of them with you :)

These are from my college trip to Paris, June 2013.  This was my first holiday with really good friends and as we are in college, the teachers weren't strict with us like they have to be when you're in school.  It was really really fun and I had so much fun with some of my best friends going to Disneyland and doing an amazing tour of Paris, where we went on a River Cruise and to the Paris Opera House.  It was perhaps the best few days of my life and I'll never forget it!

I was also lucky enough this year to get a double dose of Disney on my family holiday to Orlando.  This was a really nice holiday and (though we didn't realise it at the time) it was most likely going to be our last big family holiday with just the six of us whilst everyone is still living at home as we're getting older so we'll either be moving out or bringing boyfriends and girlfriends along.  I'm really glad that this was our last one because it was really fab.  We went to Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World countless times and I did LOTS of shopping, taking serious advantage of the exchange rate.  Some of my favourite things were... ok, it was all amazing.  But I really loved the Harry Potter world (it was literally the coolest thing ever), watching the live shows at Sea World, dancing with the minions at Universal and snuggling up to my favourite characters at the Magic Kingdom.  It was also really special going back as we have gone there a lot, our first trip being in 1997 when I wasn't even one yet.  Everytime we've been, I've been spotted snuggling up to Eeyore and have always loved doing the big rollercoasters.  The great thing about this holiday is that there is something for every single member of my family and even though I've been quite a few times, each time I think I fall in love with it more.  Below are a few photos from my Florida Adventures over the years...

We've been in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009 and 2013 - and I can't wait to go in the future with friends and my future family because it is genuinely where amazing memories are made and I'm so so so lucky I've been able to experience it so much.

Another one of my favourite family places is Phuket, an Island just off Thailand.  We've been a lot, because when we were living in Hong Kong, Thailand was like our version of France in terms of distance and easiness to get there, so we went pretty much every year.  When we came back to England, we stopped going as often, but we've got in three trips, which have all been amazing.  The older I get, the more I love this place because it is the perfect mix of adventure, culture and relaxation in my eyes.  I've haggled in the markets, ridden elephants, held snakes and seen lady boys; and then in the same week, I've ridden a jet ski, sunbathed and had massages.  It's the most amazing place in the world and I would happily go and live there forever.  Again, I can't wait to show my friends this beautiful place. 

When I was seven, I had the amazing experience of going on Safari, as my brother's godfather is living in Kenya, so we had the chance to go and stay with him.  It was probably the first holiday I fully remember all the details of, which it what makes the whole thing so amazing when I look back at it.  We went on both tent and lodge accomodation safaris and had lots of chances to interact with the animals.  We even went off chasing Wilder beast on Easter Sunday after being tricked by our parents and the other grown ups that they had the next clue to find the Easter Eggs on their horns.  

Seven years later, our family went on our second Safari.  My dad was working in South Africa for a couple of years which was sad because we didn't see him that much, but also sort of OK because we got flown out to see him for a whole three weeks one summer.  We spent the first couple of days in Capetown, where we got to do really cool things like whale watching and going to the Robben Island museum and learnt all about Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid.  We then went to Pretoria where my dad lived and spent a week going on day trips to various animal sanctuaries, where we got to do some amazing things like play with baby lions and tigers, pet cheetahs and play with bush babies.  We then had a few days on a small game reserve just outside Kruger.  This was the best weekend ever as we went on lots of Safaris, saw lots of animals and I even got the chance to go horse riding through the game reserve.  It was so cool galloping alongside zebra and various other animals; we didn't pass any hungry lions though (luckily).  Also, this was when I was going through my 14-year-old 'I'm such a photographer' phase, so I had lots of fun using my dad's good quality camera to take *ahem* 'brilliant' photos of the wildlife.  

Finally, some of my favourite holidays have actually been in Devon.  My grandparents live there and I always have lots of fun seeing them.  They always either had animals, took me out to see animals, or took me to riding lessons.  They also even taught me how to skateboard(!).  We used to go as a family every single year, but as I got older I started going by myself once a year, which has been really nice as its given me a chance to have a break as well as have lots of fun at the various Devon Adventure Parks like The Big Sheep or Creally Park.  As I've gotten older though, I've become more interested in visiting the quirky little shops and just keeping my grandparents company and help them out with little bits and bobs.  

I'd love to hear about any of the cool places you guys have gone or any of your experiences of some of the places I've mentioned.  

Remember, if you're having a bad day, just think through happy memories and if you can't think; look for them!  Flip through photo albums or old video tapes and you soon find a smile on your face.

Thanks for reading :)


"Everything will be alright in the end.  If it's not alright, it's not the end."

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