Tuesday 1 October 2013

50 Facts About Me

Quick fire 50 facts...

1. I am a vegetarian, and have been since February 2009.

2. I have two brothers and one sister.

3. I was born in Hong Kong.

4. I have really weird joints, bones and ligaments which means I click, pop out and break a lot, but it doesn't really hurt any more.

5. Over my lifetime, I've had 7 cats and 4 dogs, plus 1 hamster and 5 mice.

6.  I'm really into water activities like jet skiing and scuba diving.

7. I have done horse riding since I was five, but lately my bad bones have meant that it can get a bit painful after about half an hour, which really sucks because I used to love riding horses.

8. My first word was 'mimic'.

9. My favourite sitcoms are Friends and The Inbetweeners.

10.  My favourite animated films are Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2 (with the Toy Story trilogy, The Lion King and Finding Nemo coming in very very close behind).

11. My guilty pleasure is Geordie Shore, me and my brother watch it every week.

12. I am a big planner, I am always planning out my time and helping plan events or schedules.

13. I love Disney so much!  When I was little, I had all of the princess dresses in my dressing up box and I wore them a lot more than a normal child would (I'm talking nearly every day and even as pyjamas sometimes).

14. I will happily spend hours in one of those cute little curio shops.

15. My favourite sweets are the strawberry fruitellas.

16. I love diet coke.  It's so bad for me, but if we have a big bottle in the house, I will have drank through it within about an hour or so.

17. I've always grown my hair long, except for one time when I was twelve and I decided to get a bob, which was so horrible!  I cringe every time I look back at it.  On the plus side, the bob made it grow back a bit thicker.

18. I have possibly the most mixed music collection you've ever seen.  I've got everything from classic rock to pop to indie to R&B and I don't listen to one any more than the others.  A lot of people find this weird, but I just love all music and it all makes me feel different and I know what I want to listen to depending on what mood I'm in.

19.  I'm in love with theatre.  From amateur scenes in the park to multi-million-pound plays from the National Theatre, I just adore it! I'm constantly looking for discount tickets and if I had it my way, I'd go to the theatre at least once a week but sadly my wallet and schedule don't really allow for that :(.

20. I had braces for three years.  I got a retainer after as well, but I kept forgetting to use it (oopsie).

21. The bottom half of both my front teeth are false as I chipped them on my bedside table during my 11th birthday sleepover and had to get them filled in.

22. I have to wear a night guard (one of those really sexy things that gives you a lisp) on my bottom teeth to stop stress grinding in the night.

23. I love dying my hair, but only in natural colours.  I'm definitely not brave enough to go for something like purple or green.

24.  I've been wearing glasses for five years and contact lenses for nearly a year.  I'm short sighted, so it means that I can't see far away.  Also, I'm not very good at remembering to use contacts or bring my glasses so I'll be stood with my face pressed up against the train timetable at the station...

25. I was born in 1996, which is the Year of the Rat in Chinese Zodiac.  When I did my GCSEs, my parents got me a necklace that has a Chinese pendant on it which means 'rat'.  Though 'rat' isn't really the most flattering or normal word to have on a necklace, it does remind me of where I started out my crazy journey.

26. I am really particular about how and when I drink tea and coffee during the day.  I have a cup of normal caffeinated tea with breakfast, green tea at lunch, coffee after dinner, decaf tea when doing work and camomile tea just before I go to bed.  If I'm having one of my pamper nights, though, I'll have a cup of peppermint tea in the bath.

27. Though I love technology and everything it can do, it doesn't cease to find a new way to piss me off every single day.

28. I don't like knowing about a surprise.  If I'm actually surprised, its amazing.  But if you say 'Rosie, we've got a surprise for you' and won't tell me until my birthday, it will really annoy me.

29. When it comes to organisation, I am actually very strict about it.  My blinds have a specific level they have to be up or down at, all my make-up is properly organised and all my books are sorted out by type and by author.

30. I have my first and second piercings in each ear, but I really want to get my cartilage done soon.

31. I love all things Harry Potter.  I've got all the books, films and computer games, plus random bits of merchandise I  have picked up over the place.

32. I have collected those pin badges since 2004 and I now have close to 70.

33. This year, I started collecting shot glasses in Florida.

34. I really love the Marc Jacobs perfumes and I'm always saving up to get his new fragrances as they come out.

35. I've got LAMDA Exam Qualifications in Musical Theatre up to Grade 5 and in Acting up to Grade 6 (Bronze medal).

36. I hate fish.  Even if I wasn't a vegetarian, I'd avoid it and anyone who came near me with it would be rammed with a barge pole.

37.  I love my green vegetables and I could not live without the steamer when it comes to cooking meals.

38. I always say I'm going to go to the gym more or do an exercise DVD programme, but in the end I always have something to put it off for.

39. I get through work really quickly.  Not because I'm clever or anything like that, but because I get exhausted so easily and if I don't do it quick, it definitely won't get done before I pass out over my desk.

40. When I was younger, all I wanted to do was go to Oxford to study English Literature. Partly because my dad went there and he was kind of making it out to be the only option and partly because I went to one of those weirdly perfect schools where you were an idiot and had to go for special support if you got a B.

41. I have three godparents, all of which are amazing.  One lives in Scotland, another in London and another in Yorkshire.

42. I am really bad at playing hardcore video games and stuff, but I keep meaning to go round to my friends house and be trained.

43. I'm such an awful nail biter, but I'm determined for it to stop.  I've brought some maximum growth and maximum strength nail varnish to help them along so I hope it works.

44. I was Christened in a Rapunzel-style tower that could only fit about 15 people in it, including me, my parents and the priest.  I was later confirmed at the age of 12, but I don't really believe in organised religion any more.  I believe there is another power out there, but it's not any of the God's that have been part of religion.

45. Me and my mum will sit and watch running documentaries for hours on end whilst taking turns with the ironing.  Like today, we watched Sister Wives, the documentary series about a polygamist family.  Other times, we catch up on our Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

46. I really love the outdoors.  Going on hikes and camping trips or little holidays to the lake district are my idea of bliss.  I really want to attempt the 3-peak challenge next summer, where you climb the three biggest mountains in the UK in 24 hours.

47. My eldest brother is autistic.  Though its not severe, it still affects the family and how we approach things a bit differently to other families.  But I've always thought he was the best big brother in the world and we all do fundraising for the National Autistic Society.

48. My absolute favourite time of year is December.  My birthday is the 3rd and we always put up the Christmas Tree the weekend after my birthday, then comes Christmas and New Years.  I just love it so much!  However, I always eat too much chocolate and find myself having to take the dogs on long walks to try and burn it off before I return to college before I go back.

49. I have a very methodical and logical brain and will often see flaws that other people don't.  In some ways, this is good because of attention to detail and can spot a bull shitter a mile-off, but in other situations it means I can over think situations.

50. My family have banned me from playing Monopoly unless my sole role in the banker, because otherwise I get so competitive that I piss everyone off.

Hope you enjoyed reading :)  Let me know if you have had any experiences with these facts or if you too share any of these :)


"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

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