Saturday 28 September 2013

My First Blog...


So basically, this is my first time writing a blog post ever and, if I'm being honest, I still don't know what has possessed me to do this.  I've been sort of wanting to do this for a while, but I wasn't really sure that anyone would be interested in what I have to say.  But something in me today has been different and I've finally decided to take the plunge.

This blog is just going to be about beauty, life skills and fashion.  I am in no way, shape or form an expert in any of these areas but I've read other blogs and spoken to friends who have said that I give good advice and hints and tips in these topics, so I thought that I might as well do a mix of the three.  Also, it is my final year of college and I thought that if I don't do this now, I never will.

I think this is the part where I tell you a little bit about me.  Well I'm 16 (nearly 17) and in my last year of college.  Some of you will have read that and realised that is the wrong age for my year group, and that's because I was moved up a year in school when I was five.  It wasn't me being a child genius or anything freaky, it was the fact that I was born in Hong Kong (as my parents were stationed there during their army years for a while), and they start school a year earlier that we do in England, so when we moved here I'd already done the year of school for my age group, so I was just moved up a year.  At first, I was bullied a lot in primary school as I was an easier target, but as I've gotten older, people have stopped caring and most people don't even notice (and neither do I, really).

I started out as a dancer, but as I got older I changed my passion to musical theatre and then narrowed it down again to just acting.  I made this decision when I was 11 and I've never looked back.  I went to Stagecoach until then, but when I decided to specialise, I moved to Stage2 Youth Theatre and it was the best decision I have ever made.  I gained the confidence to do all sorts of things, from performing in a 300 seat theatre several times to being trained in sound design/operation.  I have also done LAMDA Exams in Acting and Musical Theatre and achieved results that I am very, very proud of.

Though acting remains just a hobby with most, for me I wanted to take it a step further.  So I applied for (and somehow got into) Birmingham Ormiston Academy to study a BTEC in Acting, where I am studying/have studied devising plays, rehearsing for performance, auditions for actors, historical context, audio performance, classical performance, contemporary performance, physical theatre, voice and performing arts business.  It was a hectic year last year, and it's getting busier as I get into my last year.  Though I've had loads of fun on the course, I have realised that I don't want to be an actress, but rather go into theatre business.  I don't know exactly what department or how I'm going to get there yet but luckily I have a while to figure it out.

As mentioned before, I was moved up a year at school when I was younger.  This means that I can't go to University or Drama School next September as I won't be 18.  This means I have a year or more to play with before I go into higher education.  So, I've decided to do my gap years in New York, working as an Au pair, which I am very very very incredibly excited (and slightly scared) for.

Those are the key things about me practically, but there is one thing which I've had to deal with throughout my teenage years.  Sadly, when I was 11 I started showing signs of depression, but they were dismissed by doctors as 'hormones', and by the time anyone took me seriously and let me take the tests I was 15.  This sadly meant that I spent the first few years of my teenage life slowly going into a dark hole, without any help of support - in fact, I had the opposite: lots and lots of bullying on a daily basis.  This made it very hard for me to make friends at school and I only found friends at Stage2.  Though it was quite late when I was diagnosed, I managed to get therapy and medication to help turn it around again.  It's taken around 18 months now, but I've completely stopped therapy and I'm off medication.  Of course due to the scientific nature of depression, there is a high risk it will happen again so I do have to keep an eye on my mood a lot and work hard to keep myself positive.  Luckily, with the help of all my amazing friends at college, this has become a lot easier.  To make it worse though, I not only got depression on its own but I also got really bad anxiety and have a lot of issues with my weight and image - they're all getting better but I do have good days and bad days.  Overall, I feel a lot happier and healthier than ever before and I am thankful for this.

I'm hoping that my posts will be a mix of not only beauty and fashion but also coping mechanisms that I wish I'd had when I was going through tough times.

I've rambled on far too long now, so I'm going to stop and you can find out more about me along the way if you follow my blog.  I hope that my blogs are of some use to you and aren't too cringey!


"The only difference between 'try' and 'triumph' is just a little 'umph'"

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